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Hôtel Au Gré du Vent

17, rue du Calvaire 62600 Berck sur mer  +33(0) 3 21 09 03 42 itinéraire Hôtel Au Gré du Vent

Restaurant in Berck-sur-Mer

Situated two steps away from the beach of Berck-sur-Mer

The restaurant Au Gre du Vent offers a blackboard menu. Salads, vegetables and seafood. Enjoy the generous buffet, to follow: fish, meat, mussels, classic and gourmet desserts ...

Au gré du Vent, traditional restaurant with terrace in Berck-sur-Mer

While you are having an aperitif, Maryline, the proud owner of the hotel is at work in the kitchen concocting simmering casseroles and dishes to her liking. Every day, the menu is a surprise to be consumed without moderation.

In fine weather, Philippe sets the tables in his small garden for lunch for you to make the most of the marine air.

Au Gré du Vent, hotel with full board and half board

For all your holidays or visits to your family in the Jacques Calvé rehabilitation center, the hotel restaurant Au Gré du Vent offers full board and half board formulas.
