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Hôtel Au Gré du Vent

17, rue du Calvaire 62600 Berck sur mer  +33(0) 3 21 09 03 42 itinéraire Hôtel Au Gré du Vent

Tourism in Berck-sur-Mer

Berck is now known worldwide thanks to the International Kite Meeting held each year: Competitions, demonstrations, kite flyers from around the world compete in their ingenuity and skill to put on a show ‘in the wind’.

Beach and water activities in Berck-sur-Mer

Berck Beach, dedicated to the wind, offers many activities for children and adults: kart sailing, kite surfing, sailing, sea kayaking and beach club for children. Berck was awarded the Family Plus label, to the delight of everyone. In the Authie Bay, you can also observe the colony of seals which can sometimes count up to 80 individuals.

The Somme bay and the Touquet-Paris-Plage

South of Berck-sur-Mer, discover the Somme Bay with its preserved fauna and flora, large spectacular tides where you can observe wild birds in the Marquenterre Bird Park. You can walk in Le Crotoy and Saint Valery sur Somme with its cobbled streets overlooking the Somme bay.

To the North, discover Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, a seaside resort with its opulent villas overlooking the dunes.